General Settings

Default Currency

Choose the default currency for your billing system. This setting affects how prices are displayed and transactions are processed throughout your Aikeedo platform.

While it’s important to choose a currency supported by your payment gateway, Aikeedo offers flexibility in currency handling. Each payment gateway provides a currency selector with supported currencies. If a selected currency isn’t directly supported, Aikeedo can convert it to a supported currency during checkout, provided a currency rate provider is set up.

If the currency option is not set or is set to “Inherit” for payment gateways, the default currency will be used. Ensure you have a currency rate provider configured if you plan to use currencies not directly supported by your payment gateway.

Currency Rate Provider

Select a provider for currency exchange rates. Options include:

  • None: No automatic currency conversion.
  • CurrencyAPI: Uses the CurrencyAPI service for up-to-date exchange rates.

Additional currency providers can be added through plugins, expanding your options for managing multi-currency transactions.

Trial Configuration

Trial Period Days

Set the duration of the trial period for new users.

  • Enter the number of days for the trial period.
  • Set to 0 to disable the trial feature.

Each user is eligible for a trial only once across any paid plan.

Trial Without Payment

Toggle this option to allow users to start a trial without providing payment information upfront.

  • When enabled, users can upgrade to any paid plan during the trial without immediately providing payment details.
  • After the trial ends, a payment method will be required to continue the subscription.

Default & Fallback Plans

Sign Up Plan

Select the plan to which new users will be automatically subscribed upon registration.

  • Choose “None” to disable automatic subscription, requiring users to select a plan themselves.
  • Only monthly or yearly recurring plans can be set as the Sign-Up plan.

New users are automatically subscribed to the Sign Up plan, regardless of the trial option. If a trial period is set, users will be downgraded to the Fallback plan after the trial ends. Without a trial, users continue on the Sign Up plan.

If selecting a paid plan as the Sign Up plan, it’s crucial to enable the trial period. Otherwise, new users will have immediate access to paid features without payment, which could lead to potential revenue loss.

Fallback Plan

Define the plan users will be automatically moved to if their current subscription expires or fails to renew.

  • Choose “None” to disable automatic downgrading, requiring users to manually select a new plan.
  • Only monthly or yearly recurring plans can be set as the Fallback plan.

Ensure you have created appropriate pricing plans before configuring the Sign-Up and Fallback plans to provide a smooth user experience.

By carefully configuring these billing settings, you can tailor the subscription process to meet the specific needs of your business and users, creating a seamless onboarding and billing experience in your Aikeedo platform.