Plugins are powerful tools that allow you to enhance and customize your Aikeedo platform. This guide will walk you through the process of building a plugin, using a simple Currency Beacon integration as an example.

What are Aikeedo Plugins?

Aikeedo plugins are Composer packages that extend the functionality of your platform. They allow you to:

  • Add new features
  • Integrate with third-party services
  • Customize existing functionality

Plugins give you the flexibility to tailor Aikeedo to your specific requirements without modifying the core codebase.


Before you begin, make sure you have:

  • Basic knowledge of PHP and Composer
  • A local development environment set up for Aikeedo
  • Composer installed on your system

If you need help setting up your local environment, refer to our Local Development Guide.

Step-by-Step Plugin Creation

Let’s create a plugin that integrates CurrencyBeacon as an alternative currency rate provider for your Aikeedo platform.

Step 1: Create the Plugin Directory

First, create a new directory for your plugin in the /public/content/plugins folder of your Aikeedo installation:

mkdir -p public/content/plugins/heyaikeedo/currency-beacon

The directory structure should follow the format: yourorganization/plugin-name. This naming convention helps identify and organize plugins.

Step 2: Create the composer.json File

Every Aikeedo plugin requires a composer.json file. This file contains essential metadata about your plugin.

Create a composer.json file in your plugin directory with the following content:

  "name": "heyaikeedo/currency-beacon",
  "type": "aikeedo-plugin",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "require": {
    "heyaikeedo/composer": "^1.0.0"
  "extra": {
    "entry-class": "Aikeedo\\CurrencyBeacon\\Plugin"
  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "Aikeedo\\CurrencyBeacon\\": "src/"

Let’s break down the important parts of this file:

  • name: Must match the path to your plugin directory (yourorganization/plugin-name)
  • type: Always set to aikeedo-plugin for Aikeedo plugins
  • version: Defines the current version of your plugin
  • require: Lists the dependencies, including the required heyaikeedo/composer package
  • extra.entry-class: Specifies the main class of your plugin
  • autoload: Sets up PSR-4 autoloading for your plugin’s classes

The heyaikeedo/composer package is required for all Aikeedo plugins. It provides essential functionality for plugin integration.

Step 3: Create the Plugin Class

Now, let’s create the main plugin class. This class will be responsible for initializing your plugin’s functionality.

Create a file named Plugin.php in the src directory of your plugin:



namespace Aikeedo\CurrencyBeacon;

use Override;
use Plugin\Domain\Context;
use Plugin\Domain\PluginInterface;

class Plugin implements PluginInterface
    public function boot(Context $context): void
        // Plugin initialization code goes here
        // For a complete implementation example, visit:

This class implements the PluginInterface, which requires a boot method. The boot method is called when your plugin is loaded by Aikeedo, allowing you to set up any necessary functionality.

Step 4: Install the Plugin

With your plugin structure in place, you can now install it using Composer. Run the following command in the root directory of your Aikeedo installation:

composer require heyaikeedo/currency-beacon

This command installs your plugin and its dependencies.

Step 5: Enable the Plugin

After installation, you’ll need to enable your plugin through the Aikeedo dashboard. Look for the “Plugins” section in your admin panel to activate your new plugin.

Best Practices and Tips

  1. Version Control: Use Git or another version control system to track changes to your plugin.

  2. Updates: Regularly update your plugin to maintain compatibility with the latest Aikeedo version.

Example Implementation

For a complete, working example of an Aikeedo plugin, check out the Currency Beacon Plugin Repository on GitHub.

Need Help?

If you encounter any issues or have questions about plugin development, don’t hesitate to reach out:

Happy plugin development! 🚀